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This site is solely dedicated to the heritage of the canals, their entrepreneurs, their builders and the great organization and numerous volunteers who enable us to use and enjoy the canals today.
Most of the Israelis have never heard of them and in this site we want to share with them our fantastic experience and try to familiarize them with this phenomenon. It is our aim to promote the canals and the narrowboats as a new and exciting idea for a wonderful holiday and we hope that in the future we will meet more and more Israeli tourists there. This is the reason why this site was written in Hebrew and will not be translated into English or any other language. Please forgive us for that.
Two parts compose the site: 1. A general overview of the canals, their history, the narrowboats etc. 2. My wife's diary of our travel in September 2002

Orna and Doron Efrati, Israel.

This site is offered free of
charge and was created with
my own time and resources.
All photographs, still images,
audio and video clips are the
work and property of their
respective authorities.

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